Axis 1: Data valuation for decision making


Cahiers du GERAD

407 results — page 13 of 21


Cet article dresse un portrait de l'état de la concurrence fiscale internationale par l'entremise i) de l'étude des taux d'impôt et autres caractéristiques...

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This study examines simultaneously the effect of personal, contextual, and product-related factors on purchasing behaviour of fair-trade products. The resu...

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Given a graph <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?G=(V,E)"> with strictly positive integer weights <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\omega_i"> on the vertices <img ...

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Tree-based methods are frequently used in studies with censored survival time. Their structure and ease of interpretability make them useful to identify p...

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Main methods, algorithms and applications of the Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic are surveyed, in view of a chapter of the <i>Encyclopedia of Opti...

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To the best of our knowledge, the complexity of minimum sum-of-squares clustering is unknown. Yet, it has often been stated that this problem is NP-hard. We...

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In this paper we study the Capacitated Team Orienteering and Profitable Tour Problems (CTOP and CPTP). The interest in these problems comes from recent devel...

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We consider the bandwidth coloring problem, a generalization of the well-known graph coloring problem. For the latter problem, a classical theorem, discover...

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An edge coloring of a graph <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?G = (V,E)"> is a function <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?c:E \rightarrow N"> that assigns a co...

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In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing confidence intervals for a population median when the underlying population is discrete. We describe ...

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We consider the problem of assigning patients to nurses for home care services. The aim is to balance the workload of the nurses while avoiding long travels...

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The probabilistic satisfiability problem is to verify the consistency of a set of probability values or intervals for logical propositions. The (tight) prob...

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In this paper, we propose efficient algorithms to extract minimal unsatisfiable subsets of clauses or variables in unsatisfiable propositional formulas. Suc...

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We consider the problem of determining the size of a maximum clique in a graph, also known as the clique number. Given any method that computes an upper bou...

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In this paper, we consider testing the location parameter with multilevel (or hierarchical) data. A general family of weighted test statistics are introduced...

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Let <i>G = (V,E)</i> be a graph with vertex set <i>V</i> and edge set <i>E</i>. The <i>k</i>-coloring problem is to assign a color (a number chosen in {1,.....

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Many proposals have been made recently for goodness-of-fit testing of copula models. After reviewing them briefly, the authors concentrate on omnibus proced...

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The problem retained for the ROADEF’99 international challenge was an inventory management problem for a car rental company. It consists in managing a given...

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We discuss feature selection approaches within the context of linear programming models for discrimination, with special emphasis on a new interpretation an...

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Using Clark-Ocone formula, explicit martingale representations for path-dependent Brownian functionals are computed. As direct consequences, explicit martin...

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