Axis 2: Decision support made in complex systems



Feb 1, 202411:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Gianluca Iannucci

Insurance choices and emission taxation

Jan 25, 202411:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Elena Parilina

Multiplex networks: stability and opinion dynamics

Jan 24, 202411:00 AM — 12:00 PM GERAD seminar Anna Stuhlmacher

Optimizing Dynamic Solar Panel Operation in an Agrivoltaic System and Implications for Power Systems

Dec 12, 202310:00 AM — 11:00 AM GERAD seminar Wei Chen

Data-Driven Computational Design of Engineered Material Systems

Dec 8, 202310:00 AM — 11:30 AM ISS Informal Systems Seminar James-Michael Leahy

Rough Fluid Equations

Nov 30, 202311:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Ana Espinola-Arredondo

Environmental Regulation under Sequential Competition

Nov 24, 202311:00 AM — 12:00 PM GERAD seminar Rick Willemsen

ROADEF 2022 Challenge: 3D Truck Loading

Nov 23, 202311:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Gerhard Sorger

Climate policy under political pressure

Nov 22, 202311:00 AM — 12:00 PM “Meet a GERAD researcher!” seminar Yichuan Daniel Ding

Tight Bounds for the Price of Fairness

Nov 20, 202301:30 PM — 02:30 PM GERAD seminar Annie Levasseur

Opportunities and challenges of modeling the impacts of human activities on climate change

Nov 16, 202311:00 AM — 12:00 PM Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar Arnaud Z. Dragicevic

Assessing the Impact of Payments for Environmental Services on a Bioeconomic Supply Chain Equilibrium

Nov 10, 202310:30 AM — 11:30 AM ISS Informal Systems Seminar Alex Dunyak

Linear Stochastic Graphon Systems with Q-Noise