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IVADO PRF3 Workshop 2024: Towards Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains Through Machine Learning and Optimization


22 avr. 2024   08h30 — 18h00

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Recent developments in machine learning and optimization have the potential to enable supply chain decision-makers and practitioners to leverage data and deal with uncertainty in an effective and adaptive fashion. This scientific workshop presents various industrial realizations demonstrating how modern machine learning and optimization methods can effectively be applied in practice. Through academic-style talks from speakers in both academia and industry, they will present various use cases in supply chains and scientific approaches, as well as challenges and opportunities in the applications of learning and optimization methods. There will also be dedicated time for informal discussions among participants.

The conference provides coffee, lunch and post-event cocktail reception with finger foods.

Titles and speakers:

  • Practical Considerations for Decision Under Uncertainty in an Industrial Setting
    Marie-Claude Côté, Sacha Izadi, Nicolas Boez, Jean-François Landry (IVADO Labs)

  • Sample Efficient Algorithms for Urban Mobility Problems Through Physics-Informed Machine Learning
    Carolina Osorio (HEC Montréal and Google Research)

  • Ship Route Optimization - Multi-Objective Approach
    Capt. Gurjeet Warya (True North Marine)

  • Humanitarian Supply Chain Analytics
    Marie-Ève Rancourt (HEC Montréal)

  • Operational Design and Data in Smallholder Farmer Supply Chains
    Joann de Zegher (PemPem)

  • Optimize-Then-Predict: An Imitation-Based Learning Framework
    Louis-Martin Rousseau (Polytechnique)

  • Unlocking Decision-Making under Uncertainty: The Power of Industry-Academia Collaboration
    Emma Frejinger (Université de Montréal), Helen Glover (CN)

  • Leveraging Machine Learning and Optimization in Supply Chain Planning
    Yossiri Adulyasak (HEC Montréal)

Full program here


Yossiri Adulyasak responsable
Erick Delage responsable
Emma Frejinger responsable


HEC Montréal
Amphithéâtre | Rachelle et Alain-Paris (A.335)
Édifice Hélène-Desmarais
501, rue de la Gauchetière Ouest

Montréal Québec H2Z 1Z5

Organismes associés

PRF3 Supply Chain Workshop - Information.pdf (470 Ko)