

A Closed Form Solution for the Optimal Release Times for the \(F2\)| Deteriorating Jobs | \(\sum w_j C_j\) Problem

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We study here a flow-line which covers a wide range of real-world situations, from plastic molding to steel milling and the service industries, where the duration of a task performed on a job is a monotone non-decreasing function of the time the job spent in the system.

Our model is set in a deterministic environment, with the initial conditions (i.e. release times of the jobs) as control parameters. Restricting to the 2-machine case for simplicity, we prove a closed form formula for the optimal release times of the jobs for the minimum weighted sum of completion times of a finite sequence of jobs.

, 21 pages

Ce cahier a été révisé en janvier 2011


A closed-form solution for the optimal release times for the \(F2\) |deteriorating jobs| \(\sum w_j C_j\) problem
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Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159, 1367–1376, 2011 référence BibTeX