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3128 résultats — page 13 de 157
Pour un graphe \(G\)
, la matrice du laplacien sans signe \(Q(G)\)
esf définie comme \(Q(G) = D(G) + A(G)\)
, o`u \(A(G)\)
est la matrice d'adjacence ...
This paper studies a stochastic variant of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) where both customer locations and demands are uncertain. In particular, potentia...
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This paper introduces the consistent production routing problem in a setting with multiple plants and products. The problem consists in finding minimum-cost ...
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We propose a tone-based event study to reveal the aggregate abnormal tone dynamics in media articles around earnings announcements. We test whether they co...
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We study bin-packing and lot-sizing decisions in an integrated way. Such a problem appears in several manufacturing settings where items first need to be cu...
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Nous étudions la stabilité des accords environnementaux internationaux portant sur une cible commune pour le niveau d'émissions polluantes. En signant l'ac...
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The increasingly complex energy systems are turning the attention towards model-free control approaches such as reinforcement learning (RL). This work propos...
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A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The maximal width of an equilateral small polygon with \(n=2^s\)
vertices is not known when \(s \ge 3\)
. T...
Robust integration of electric vehicles charging load in smart grids capacity expansion planning
Battery charging of electric vehicles (EVs) needs to be properly coordinated by electricity producers to maintain the network reliability. In this paper, we ...
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Binary quadratic programming (BQP) is a class of combinatorial optimization problems comprising binary variables, quadratic objective functions and linear/no...
référence BibTeXAdaptive simultaneous stochastic optimization of mining complexes: Where is the value coming from?
This paper aims to identify the sources of value created in the strategic plan of a mining complex when the adaptive simultaneous stochastic optimization of ...
référence BibTeXStochastic stope design optimization under grade uncertainty and dynamic development costs
Stope design optimization defines mineable three-dimensional material volumes to be extracted from a mineral deposit, aiming to maximize cashflows subject ...
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The geometallurgical models that predicting the throughput/comminution performance of the a processing plant often rely on rock hardness models, which are ba...
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In this paper, we consider both first- and second-order techniques to address continuous optimization problems arising in machine learning. In the first-orde...
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We explore the use of Array-RQMC, a randomized quasi-Monte Carlo method designed for the simulation of Markov chains, to reduce the variance when simulating...
référence BibTeXMultiple streams with recurrence-based, counter-based, and splittable random number generators
We give an overview of the state of the art on the design and implementation of random number generators for simulation and general Monte Carlo sampling in p...
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This work is in the context of blackbox optimization where the functions defining the problem are expensive to evaluate and where no derivatives are availabl...
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Nous étudions une classe de jeux déterministes à horizon fini à deux joueurs à somme non nulle où les joueurs sont dotés de différents types de commandes....
référence BibTeXBlackbox optimization
The goal of the Encyclopedia of Optimization is to introduce the reader to a complete set of topics that sh...
référence BibTeXIntegrating learning and explicit model predictive control for unit commitment in microgrids
Dans cet article, nous adressons le problème de l’ordonnancement de l’arrêt/démarrage des génératrices dans un microréseau selon une approche visant à s’assu...
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