3082 résultats — page 139 de 155

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La programmation linéaire généralisée peut être étendue au cas des programmes mixtes en utilisant seulement l'algorithme primal révisé du simplexe en variab...

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Indefinite quadratic programs with quadratic constraints can be reduced to bilinear programs with bilinear constraints by duplication of variables. Such red...

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We consider the complexity status of scheduling <i>n</i> jobs in an openshop with <i>m</i> machines, when overlapping of jobs is permitted, for some classic...

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A new branch-and-bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming is proposed. Necessary optimality conditions expressed in terms of tightness of the follow...

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This paper deals with the implementation of the interior point cutting plane algorithm of Goffin-Haurie-Vial, with a special application to the solution of ...

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The interaction between a utility company and electricity cogenerators is modeled via a game theoretic, systems analysis approach, under the assumption of a...

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A bounded vertex coloring of a graph <i>G</i> is a usual vertex coloring in which each color is used at most <i>k</i> times (where <i>k</i> is a given numbe...

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We present algorithms for computing some distance functions between two (possibly intersecting) polygons, both in the convex and nonconvex cases. The inter...

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We present in this paper a linear time algorithm for the computation of some distance functions between convex polygons in R<sup>2</sup> in the general case...

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This paper presents a new heuristic for the Euclidean planar traveling salesman problem. The heuristic takes advantage of the natural alignment of the point...

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We consider the problem of determining a hyperplane that separates, as "well" as possible, two finite sets of points in <i>R<sup>n</sup></i>. We analyze two...

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A manager planning a distribution network faces a multiple-vehicle routing problem. The first step is to assign customers to vehicles. One way to do this is...

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This paper deals with a stochastic programming model which complements long range market simulation models such as those currently developed by several gas ...

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The (<b>R</b>,max,+) algebra gives raise, to a "linear algebra" very usefull in the context of DEDS which can be represented by envent graphs. Some propert...

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The Airline Crew Scheduling Problem can be defined as the problem of finding a set of feasible rotations so that the total cost is minimum and all the fligh...

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In this paper, we report on an updated, improved version of the MARKAL energy model, developed in the late 1970's under the aegis of member countries of the...

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The refining industry is faced with medium and long term planning problems (e.g. crude supply, stocks, capacity decisions) where an important part of the da...

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In this paper, we present decomposition algorithms for the solution of large scale stochastic dynamic problems, with convergence results and implementation ...

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A notion of Nash equilibrium, called event-adapted equilibrium, is defined for non-cooperative, multi-stage games where uncertainty is gradually resolved. ...

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We prove a planarity-independent analogue of a theorem of Nowakowski, Rival and Urrutia concerning lattices contained in orders representable as blocking re...

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