Cahiers du GERAD
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3145 résultats — page 18 de 158
Data acquisition and recording in the form of databases are routine operations. The process of collecting data, however, may experience irregularities, res...
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This work reviews blackbox optimization applications over the last twenty years, addressed using direct search optimization methods. Emphasis is placed on...
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Conditional estimation given specific covariate values (i.e., local conditional estimation or functional estimation) is ubiquitously useful with applications...
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We consider a deterministic two-player linear-state differential game, where Player 1 uses piecewise continuous controls, while Player 2 implements impulse...
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We study a distributionally robust version of the classical capacitated facility location problem with a distributional ambiguity set defined as a Wasserst...
référence BibTeXAn oligopoly game of CDR strategy deployment in a steady-state net-zero emission climate regime
In this paper, we propose a simple oligopoly game model to represent the interactions between coalitions of countries in deploying Carbon Dioxide Removal ...
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In this paper, we consider the problem of equal risk pricing and hedging in which the fair price of an option is the price that exposes both sides of the con...
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We present a modeling of bundle adjustment problems in Julia, as well as a solver for non-linear least square problems (including bundle adjustment problems)...
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The design of key nonlinear systems often requires the use of expensive blackbox simulations presenting inherent discontinuities whose positions in the varia...
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Aggregator is an open-source python package which aims to facilitate the exploitation of relational datasets by automating feature aggregation.
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We study a new variant of the vehicle routing problem, which arises in hospital-wide scheduling of physical therapists. Multiple service locations exist for...
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Dans plusieurs pays, les systèmes électriques sont soumis à une forte pression de décarbonisation. En particulier, les provinces canadiennes du Québec et de ...
référence BibTeXDecycling bipartite graphs
Let \(G=(V,E)\)
be a graph and let \(S\subseteq V\)
be a subset of its vertices. If the subgraph of \(G\)
induced by \(V\setminus S\)
is acyclic, the...
Dans cet article, nous introduisons une nouvelle approche pour analyser le processus de diffusion de nouveaux produits qui tient compte de l'hétérogénéité de...
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We consider the iterative solution of regularized saddle-point systems. When the leading block is symmetric and positive semi-definite on an appropriate sub...
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Nous développons des bornes sur les valeurs propres d’une nouvelle formulation des équations de Newton dans les méthodes de points intérieurs pour l’optimisa...
référence BibTeXDecision tree-based optimization for flexibility management for sustainable energy microgrids
Dans cet article, nous appliquons une méthode de dispatching économique exploitant la flexibilité d’éléments de stockage d’énergie et de pilotage de charge...
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The Mars Curiosity rover is frequently sending back engineering and science data that goes through a pipeline of systems before reaching its final destinati...
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Column generation (CG) algorithms are well known to suffer from convergence issues due, mainly, to the degenerate structure of their master problem and the ...
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We consider an integrated optimization problem including the production, inventory, and outbound transportation decisions where a central plant fulfills the ...
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