3083 résultats — page 43 de 155

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We investigate the derivation of disjunctive conic cuts for mixed integer second order cone optimization (MISOCO). These conic cuts characterize the co...

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This paper develops an efficient method to solve a typical combinatorial optimization problem that is frequently encountered when designing high levels of pr...

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This paper introduces a new primal algorithm for solving a linear program LP. In this algorithm, a pricing problem, namely a linear fractional program, is ...

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An artificial olfaction called electronic nose (e-nose) relies on an array of gas sensors with the capability of mimicking the human sense of smell. Applying...

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This paper investigates the dynamic pricing strategies of firms selling complementary products in a marketing channel. The problem is modelled as a non-coo...

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In this paper, we summarize some properties of the Cartesian product of graphs related to degree and distance-based invariants. Then, we investigate how mu...

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This work describes the application of a direct search method to the optimization of problems of real industrial interest, namely three new material scien...

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The effective management of call centers is a challenging task mainly because managers are consistently facing considerable uncertainty. Among important sour...

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We propose a method to build trees and forests when the response is a non-homogeneous Poisson process with excess zeros, based on two forests. The first one...

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The log-rank test is commonly used as the split function in many commonly used survival trees and forests algorithms. However, the log-rank test may have a...

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Simulation-and-regression methods have been recently proposed to solve multi-period, dynamic portfolio choice problems. In the constant relative risk aver...

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When a keyword-based search query is received by a search engine (SE), a classified ads website, or an online retailer site, the platform has exponentially...

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Traditionally, both researchers and practitioners rely on standard Erlang queueing models to analyze call center operations. In those models, service times a...

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Ce document décrit le logiciel NOMAD, une implémentation C++ de l'algorithme de recherche directe sur treillis adaptifs (Mads) pour l'optimisation sous cont...

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Dans cet article, nous étudions des stratégies pour résoudre le problème de partitionnement d'ensemble (PPE), en particulier les gains en efficacité qui pe...

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Decentralized sequential hypothesis testing refers to a generalization of Wald's sequential hypothesis testing setup in which multiple decision makers make ...

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Various disturbances such as adverse weather conditions may result in delayed or canceled flights and affect the optimized schedules planned for airline crew...

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This paper considers a family of cutting planes, recently developed for mixed 0-1 polynomial programs and shows that they define facets for the maximum edge-...

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In prior works, this group demonstrated the feasibility of valid adaptive sequential designs for crossover bioequivalence studies. In this paper, we extend t...

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L'algèbre tropicale est l'algèbre construite sur le demi-corps idempotent \(\mathbb{R}_{max}\). Après avoir revisité la classification des modules tropicau...

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