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It is now well known that in order to solve global environmental problems, such as global warming, a volunteer participation of sovereign countries to inte...

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Soit \(G\) un graphe connexe, \(n\) l'ordre de \(G\), et \(f\) (resp. \(t\)) l'ordre maximum d'une forêt induite (resp. d'un arbre induit) dans `...

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We propose an interior-point algorithm based on an elastic formulation of the \(\ell_1\)-penalty merit function for mathematical programs with complementar...

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We present a new primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linear programming problems with equality and inequality constraints. The inequality constraints ar...

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Carbon leakage and competitiveness concerns are some of the main reasons why an international environmental agreement is lacking to fight climate change. M...

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This paper presents a non--technical account of the developments in tree--based methods for the analysis of survival data with censoring. This review desc...

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The decomposition of the movement of the eye into different categories is critical to their study. According to the algorithm used, some movements may signi...

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In this paper, we present an edge and vertex decomposition of the Wiener index (<i>W</i>) that is related to the concept of betweenness centrality used in so...

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There are currently several systems to collect online writing data in keystroke logging. Each of these systems provides reliable and very precise data. Unf...

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An <i>r</i>-equitable <i>k</i>-coloring <i>c</i> of a graph <i>G=(V,E)</i> is a partition of <i>V</i> into <i>k</i> stable sets <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cg...

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It is well known that some local search algorithms for <i>K</i>-clustering problems could stop at a solution with fewer clusters than the desired <i>K</i>....

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Interior-point methods in augmented form for linear and convex quadratic programming require the solution of a sequence of symmetric indefinite linear ...

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We study the welfare effects of Price Cap Regulation (PCR) and the strategic behaviour it may induce in gas transportation networks by analyzing a stylized g...

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The asymmetric distance--constrained vehicle routing problem, consists of finding vehicle tours to connect all customers with a depot, such that the to...

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We present a Variable Neighborhood Search approach to solving the one-commodity pickup-and-delivery travelling salesman problem. It is characterized by a s...

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Given a graph <i>G</i> and a bipartition of its vertices, the edge-ratio is the minimum for both classes so defined of their number of internal edges divid...

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Censored quantile regression models are very useful for the analysis of censored data when standard linear models are felt to be appropriate. However, fitt...

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In this paper an effective modification to the original Nelder-Mead simplex method is suggested. It is shown that the new heuristic outperforms on average ...

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In this paper we consider two similar NP-hard optimization problems on graphs: the metric dimension problem and the problem of determining minimal doubly r...

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Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) has shown to be a powerful tool for solving both discrete and box-constrained continuous optimization problems. In this ...

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