Frédéric Sirois partagez Publications nov. 2020 Smart distributed energy storage controller (smartDESC) Filippo Malandra, Arman C. Kizilkale, Frédéric Sirois, Brunilde Sansò, Miguel F. Anjos, Michel Bernier, Michel Gendreau et Roland P. Malhamé Energy, 210, 118500, 2020 référence BibTeX fév. 2020 G-2020-15 Smart distributed energy storage controller (smartDESC) Filippo Malandra, Arman C. Kizilkale, Frédéric Sirois, Brunilde Sansò, Miguel F. Anjos, Michel Bernier, Michel Gendreau et Roland P. Malhamé While one can exploit the storage properties and thus the deferability or anticipation potential of many classes of power system loads (such as thermal loads... référence BibTeX Encadrement Benoît Bourdel Maîtrise