Jean-François Cordeau
Cahiers du GERAD
The procurement of freight services is an important element for the supply chain management of a shipper (i.e., a manufacturer or retailer) that sources tran...
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The routing-and-driving problem for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is an extension of the vehicle routing problem with time windows, where routing ...
référence BibTeXThe heterogeneous-fleet electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging functions
This paper introduces the Heterogeneous-Fleet Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Nonlinear Charging Functions (HEVRP-NL). This problem involves routing a ...
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Two-stage stochastic programs are a class of stochastic problems where uncertainty is discretized into scenarios, making them amenable to solution approaches...
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This paper investigates a variant of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) with speed optimization for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), simultaneousl...
référence BibTeXFacility location with a modular capacity under demand uncertainty: An industrial case study
We investigate a facility location problem with modular capacity under demand uncertainty arising at Hydro-Québec, the largest public utility in Canada. We p...
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This paper introduces the consistent vehicle routing problem with stochastic customers and demands. We consider driver consistency as customer-driver assignm...
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This paper introduces the consistent production routing problem in a setting with multiple plants and products. The problem consists in finding minimum-cost ...
référence BibTeXVessel service planning in seaports
Berth allocation and pilotage planning are the two most important decisions made by a seaport for serving incoming vessels. Traditionally, the berth allocati...
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Scholars and practitioners have long recognised the importance of data-driven operations and supply chain management (OSCM), which typically centres on produ...
référence BibTeXStochastic dual dynamic programming for multi-echelon lot-sizing with component substitution
This work investigates lot-sizing with component substitution under demand uncertainty. The integration of component substitution with lot-sizing in an uncer...
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We consider an integrated optimization problem including the production, inventory, and outbound transportation decisions where a central plant fulfills the ...
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It is well known that the integrated optimization of multiple and inter-related decisions in a supply chain can bring important benefits to companies. In thi...
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Nous étudions un problème stochastique de planification de production et réapprovision-nement sur trois échelons via un processus de décision en deux étapes....
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Nous étudions un problème intégré de planification de production et de transport sur trois niveaux avec une structure de distribution (3LSPD), problème qui e...
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We consider an integrated planning problem that combines production, inventory and inbound transportation decisions in a context where several suppliers each...
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While the joint optimization of production and outbound distribution decisions in a manufacturing context has been intensively studied in the past decade, th...
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Nous étudions ici l'impact des contraintes de niveaux de service dans le contexte des problèmes de planification de production avec ou sans contrainte de cap...
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We model and solve the problem of sequencing a set of jobs with specified processing times and tool requirements on a set of identical parallel machines. D...
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The production routing problem (PRP) concerns the production and distribution of a single product from a production plant to multiple customers using capacit...
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The inventory routing problem (IRP) and the production routing problem (PRP) are two difficult problems arising in the planning of integrated supply chains...
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We present a branch-price-and-cut method to solve a maritime pickup and delivery problem with time windows and split loads. The fleet of ships is heterogen...
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Operational problems arising in the planning of integrated supply chains have been increasingly studied in the past decade. Among these, the production rout...
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The production-routing problem can be seen as a combination of two well known combinatorial optimization problems: the lotsizing and the vehicle routing prob...
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In the rail industry, profit maximization relies heavily on the integration of logistics activities with an improved management of revenues. The operational ...
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This paper proposes a construction heuristic and an adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the technician and task scheduling problem arising in a ...
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The <i>Dial-a-Ride Problem</i> (DARP) consists of designing vehicle routes and schedules for <i>n</i> users who specify pickup and delivery requests between...
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In one-to-one <i>Pickup and Delivery Problems</i> (PDPs), the aim is to design a set of least cost vehicle routes starting and ending at a common depot in o...
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This paper considers large shift scheduling problems with different shift start times and lengths, fractionable breaks and work stretch duration restrictions...
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Earth observation satellites are platforms equipped with optical instruments that orbit the Earth in order to take photographs of specific areas at the requ...
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This paper considers a shift scheduling problem that includes different forms of flexibility in terms of shift starting times, break lengths and break plac...
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This article reviews some of the best metaheuristics proposed in recent years for the Vehicle Routing Problem. These are based on local search, on populatio...
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The integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem consists in determining a minimum-cost set of aircraft routes and crew pairings such that each fl...
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This chapter describes some of the most important models and algorithms for the classical vehicle routing problem and for several families of arc routing pr...
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This paper introduces a new integrated model for the combined day-off and shift scheduling problem (the tour scheduling problem). This model generalizes the...
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This article describes a tabu search heuristic for the <i>Dial-a-Ride Problem</i> with the following characteristics. Users specify transportation requests ...
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The <i>Dial-a-Ride Problem</i> (DARP) consists of designing vehicle routes and schedules for <i>n</i> users who specify pick-up and drop-off requests betwee...
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This article reviews ten of the most important tabu search heuristics for the vehicle routing problem. Some of the main tabu search features are first desc...
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In this paper we introduce a new formulation of the logistics network design problem encountered in deterministic, single-country, single-period contexts. O...
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Assigning locomotives and cars to a set of scheduled trains is a complex but important problem for passenger railways. This task is normally carried out in ...
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Given a set of flight legs to be flown by a single type of aircraft, the simultaneous aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem consists of determining a...
référence BibTeXThe VRP with Time Windows
This paper presents a survey of the research on the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW), an extension of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Probl...
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The problem of assigning locomotives and cars to trains is a complex task for most railways. In this paper, we propose a multi-commodity network flow based ...
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An important aspect of railway planning concerns the distribution of locomotives and cars in the network and their assignment to the scheduled trains. In th...
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One of the many problems faced by rail transportation companies is to optimize the utilization of the available stock of locomotives and cars. In this paper...
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The aim of this paper is to present a survey of recent optimization models for the most commonly studied rail transportation problems. For each group of pro...
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This article describes the results of a study aimed at improving linen delivery operations in a large teaching hospital in Montreal. Improvements over the p...
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Uniformity tests based on a discrete form of entropy are introduced and studied in the context of empirical testing of uniform random number generators. Nu...
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