Publications scientifiques

5904 résultats — page 463 de 591

New hybrid matheuristics for solving the multidimensional knapsack problem
, , , et
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6373, 118–132, 2010 référence BibTeX
An approximation algorithm for the maximum leaf arborescence problem
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 3(1), 1–18, 2010 référence BibTeX
On a conjecture about the Szeged index
European Journal of Combinatorics, 31(7), 1662–1666, 2010 référence BibTeX
Swap rate movements via the target rate: A no-arbitrage regime switch approach
, et
Finance Research Letters, 7, 103–109, 2010 référence BibTeX
A branch-and-price-and-cut method for a liquefied natural gas inventory routing problem
, , et
Transportation Science, 44(3), 400–415, 2010 référence BibTeX
Branch-and-cut for the pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with FIFO loading
, et
Computers & Operations Research, 37, 970–980, 2010 référence BibTeX
Group size effect in nutmeg mannikin: Between-individuals behavioral differences but same plasticity
, et
Behavioral Ecology, 21, 684–689, 2010 référence BibTeX
Learning behavioral stable solutions to producer-scrounger games
Behavioral Ecology, 21, 343–348, 2010 référence BibTeX
Design of survivable WDM networks using pre-configured protection structures with unrestricted shapes
Photonic Network Communications Journal, 19(1), 9–21, 2010 référence BibTeX
Accurate approximations to time-dependent nonlinear convection-diffusion problems
, et
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 30, 1137–1158, 2010 référence BibTeX