Publications scientifiques

5904 résultats — page 470 de 591

Enumeration of optimal pin jointed bistable compliant mechanisms with non-crossing members
, , , et
Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 37, 645–665, 2009 référence BibTeX
Real-time global optimization using multiple units
, et
2nd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing, ICONS, Istambul, Turkey, 49–54, 2009 référence BibTeX
Conflict vs cooperation in a two-stage production system: Complexity analysis
, et
13th IFAC Conference on Information and control problems in manufacturing (INCOM'09), Moscow, Russia, 2009 référence BibTeX
Concurrence fiscale internationale et investissements
Stratège, 14, 15–19, 2009 référence BibTeX
Integration of inventory and transportation decisions in decentralized supply chains
, et
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 5(3-4), 249–272, 2009 référence BibTeX
La capacité d’influence des cadres supérieurs en ressources humaines auprès des membres du comité de direction
, et
Relations Industrielles, 64, 575–592, 2009 référence BibTeX
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 23. On the Randic index and the chromatic number
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 309(13), 4228–4234, 2009 référence BibTeX
Joint configuration of routing and medium access parameters in wireless networks
, , et
Proc. Globecom, 1–8, 2009 référence BibTeX
Empirical study of dependence of credit default data and equity prices
, , et
Journal of Futures Markets, 29(8), 695–712, 2009 référence BibTeX
Deterministic and stochastic analysis of alternative climate targets under differentiated cooperation regimes
, et
Energy Economics, 31(Supplement), page S131, 2009 référence BibTeX