Publications scientifiques

5904 résultats — page 507 de 591

Efficient algorithms for finding critical subgraphs
, et
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(2), 244–266, 2008 référence BibTeX
Network virtualization under the user control
ACM International Journal of Network Management, 18(2), 147–158, 2008 référence BibTeX
Staffing multiskill call centers via linear programming and simulation
Management Science, 54(2), 310–323, 2008 référence BibTeX
Assessing bankrupt probability on american firms: A logit approach
, , , et
Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, 3(2), 1–11, 2008 référence BibTeX
On the spectral radius of graphs with a given domination number
, et
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(8-9), 1854–1864, 2008 référence BibTeX
Validity of the parametric bootstrap for goodness-of-fit testing in semiparametric models
Annales de l'Institut Henri-Poincaré, 44(6), 1096–1127, 2008 référence BibTeX
The minimum spectral radius of graphics with a given clique number
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 17, 110–117, 2008 référence BibTeX
Three Tabu search methods for the MI-FAP applied to 802.11 networks
RAIRO-Operations Research, 42(4), 501–514, 2008 référence BibTeX
A spectral method for bonds
Computers & Operations Research, 35(1), 64–75, 2008 référence BibTeX
Robust adaptive control of uncertain discrete-time state-delay systems
, et
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55(12), 2880–2902, 2008 référence BibTeX