Publications scientifiques

5904 résultats — page 530 de 591

Random number generation
S.G. Henderson & B.L. Nelson (eds.), Elsevier Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Simulation, 13, 55–81, 2006 référence BibTeX
A note on duality gap in the simple plant location problem 
, et
European Journal of Operational Research, 174(1), 11–22, 2006 référence BibTeX
Scheduling of multi-buyer joint replenishments
, , , et
International Journal of Production Economics, 102(1), 132–142, 2006 référence BibTeX
Improved long-period generators based on linear recurrences modulo 2
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 32(1), 1–16, 2006 référence BibTeX
The impact of capacity costs on product differentiation in delivery time, delivery reliability and price
Production and Operations Management, 15(2), 179–197, 2006 référence BibTeX
A contract-based model for directed network formation 
, et
Games and Economic Behavior, 53(2), 201–224, 2006 référence BibTeX
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 14. The AutoGraphiX 2 system
, , , , , , et
L. Liberty, N. Maculan (eds.), Global Optimization from Theory to Implementation, 84, 231–310, 2006 référence BibTeX
Classification des équipements de manutention 1er volet
Journal Industriel du Québec, 21(7), 16–17, 2006 référence BibTeX
Stochastic switching systems
Birkhasuer, 2006 référence BibTeX
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 18. Conjectures and results about the Randic index
, et
MATCH, Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 56(3), 541–550, 2006 référence BibTeX