Publications scientifiques
6152 résultats — page 584 de 616
jan. 2005
Airline fleet assignment with homogeneity
, , , et
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2005
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jan. 2005
A computational study of Benders decomposition for the integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem
, et
Computers & Operations Research, 31, 1451–1476, 2005
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jan. 2005
Short-haul routing
, , et
Eds Barnhart, C, Laporte, G, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005
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jan. 2005
Reformulation Descent Applied to Circle Packing Problems
, et
Computers & Operations Research, 32(9), 2419–2434, 2005
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jan. 2005
Fiberoptic ductoscopy findings in women with and without spontaneous nipple discharge
, , , et
Cancer, 103, 914–921, 2005
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jan. 2005
An environmental game with coupling constraints
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 2005
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jan. 2005
Column generation
, et
Springer, 358 pages, 2005
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jan. 2005
Conditions for the validity of F-ratio tests for treatment and carryover effects in crossover designs
Eds Bruno Rémillard et Pierre Duchesne, Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems, 4, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005
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jan. 2005
Maximizing trip coverage in the location of a single rapid transit alignment
, , et
Annals of Operations Research, 136, 49–63, 2005
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jan. 2005
Linking climate and economic dynamics
, , et
Haurie, A & Viguier, L, The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics, 1, 1–33, 2005
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