Publications scientifiques
6152 résultats — page 588 de 616
jan. 2005
Efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot: A two stage game
Dynamic Games: Theory and Applications, 161–173, 2005
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jan. 2005
An approximation algorithm for a stackelberg network pricing
, et
Networks, 46, 57–67, 2005
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jan. 2005
Efficiency of Bertrand and Cournot under precommitment
, et
Game Theory and Applications, 10, 31–38, 2005
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jan. 2005
A confidence interval estimation problem using Schur complement approach
Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada, 27(3), 84–91, 2005
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jan. 2005
Branch-and-cut algorithms for the undirected m-peripatetic salesman problem
, et
European Journal of Operational Research, 162, 700–712, 2005
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jan. 2005
Comment on "Control variates for quasi-Monte Carlo"
Statistical Science, 2005
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jan. 2005
Control of production and corrective maintenance rate in a multiple-machine, multiple-product manufacturing system
, et
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2005
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jan. 2005
Robust and powerful serial correlation tests with new robust estimates in ARX models
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 26, 49–81, 2005
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jan. 2005
Models and Tabu search heuristics for the Berth allocation problem
, , et
Transportation Science, 39, 526–538, 2005
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jan. 2005
Nash equilibria for large-population linear stochastic systems with weakly coupled agents
, et
Eds Boukas, EK & Malhamé, RP, Analysis, Control and Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems, GERAD 25th Anniversary Series, Springer, 215–252, 2005
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