Énergie, environnement, ressources naturelles
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337 résultats — page 16 de 17
This paper presents an enumeration algorithm based on dynamic programming for optimally solving the fleet management problem in underground mines. This probl...
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We consider a game where players face environmental constraints. We derive and compare noncooperative, cooperative and umbrella scenarios. In the latter, the...
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This paper presents an overview of the modeling approaches that are used to represent, understand and control the interactions between the economy of a regio...
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Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and column generation, devised for linear programs, is a success story in large scale integer programming. We outline and relate ...
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The fleet management problem discussed in this paper consists in assigning the best routes to a set of vehicles in an underground mine haulage network. The h...
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This paper presents two solution approaches for taking into account the displacement mode (forward or in reverse) of vehicles during the solution of the shor...
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Cet article propose un modèle d’optimisation des stratégies de maintenance pour une meilleure intégration dans un plan de production préétabli. Le modèle est...
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This paper deals with the issue of deforestation, one of the main global environmental problems. We consider two players having different utilities for fores...
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This paper describes a real-time fleet-management system for an underground mine. Dispatching, routing, and scheduling are handled simultaneously, taking...
référence BibTeXA Solution Approach for a Real-Time Fleet Management System: An Application to Underground Mining
This paper presents a solution approach for routing a fleet of automated vehicles on haulage networks having one-lane bidirectional road segments. The solu...
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Generalized logical analysis aims at modelling complex biological systems, especially the so-called regulatory systems like genetic networks. The main feat...
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This paper describes a method for evaluating the kinetic constants in a rate expression for catalytic combustion applications using experimental light-off c...
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This paper deals with dispatching systems in open-pit mines. It illustrates the different strategies that exist for solving the dispatching problem and ana...
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The operating schedule problem in open-pit mine can be associated with the problem of maximal closure on a graph. In the literature, the Lagrangian relaxati...
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This note determines a rule to share a surplus gained when two countries or regions agree to coordinate their policies to reduce downstream pollution. An in...
référence BibTeXIncentive Equilibrium Strategies and Welfare Allocation in a Dynamic Game of Pollution Control
The paper considers two neighboring countries wishing to make a joint effort to control pollution emission. We use a differential game model that includes ...
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We study the problem of allocation over time of total cost incurred by countries in a cooperative game of pollution reduction. We compute the characteristi...
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We study empirically the topology of the local minima of the 3-SAT problem. In particular, we analyze the size of the plateaus, their altitude, their attrac...
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If it is assumed that the final product of bromination of C<sub>60</sub> will obey two rules, (i) that no two <i>sp</i><sup>3</sup> carbons may be adjacent,...
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Optimal control problems for linear stochastic continuous time systems are considered, where the time domain is decomposed into a finite set of <i>N</i> dis...
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