Infrastructures intelligentes (télécommunications, transport public, villes intelligentes)


Cahiers du GERAD

339 résultats — page 4 de 17


Given a directed graph \(G=(V,A)\), capacity and cost functions on \(A\), a root \(r\), a subset \(T \subset V\) of terminals, and an integer \(k\)...

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L'étude des réseaux de télécommunications sans-fil pour cellulaire est importante, car ceux-ci consomment beaucoup d'énergie et ont un impact non négligeable...

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Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) are among the most studied problems in operations research. Nowadays, the leading exact algorithms for solving many classes o...

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Metros and other rapid transit systems increase the mobility of urban populations while decreasing congestion and pollution. There are now 187 cities with a ...

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In this paper, we present an online reinforcement learning algorithm, called Renewal Monte Carlo (RMC), for infinite horizon Markov decision processes with ...

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The classical p-median problem assumes that service to customers is always provided by the closest facility, while in practice, customers often interact for...

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The multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem (MDVSP) has been widely studied in the context of public transit systems. It consists of building vehicle sched...

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Soient \({\mathcal D(G)}\), \({\mathcal D}^L(G)={\mathcal Diag(Tr)} - {\mathcal D(G)}\) et \({\mathcal D}^Q(G)={\mathcal Diag(Tr)} + {\mathcal D(G)}\),...

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Soit \(G\) un graph d'ordre \(n\). L'énergie \(\mathcal{E}(G)\) d'un graph simple \(G\) est la somme de des valeurs absolues des valeurs propres de s...

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We consider a dynamic game model of ride-sourcing, where a large number of private car owners provide rides to randomly appearing customers. Free drivers c...

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The airline crew scheduling problem, because of its size and complexity, is usually solved in two phases: the crew pairing problem and the crew assignment pr...

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We consider a static team problem in which agents observe correlated Gaussian observations and seek to minimize a quadratic cost. It is assumed that the ob...

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On considère un jeu dynamique représentant un canal de distribution formé d'un manufacturier et d'un détaillant où la demande dépend du prix et de la réputat...

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Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisante pour l'existence d'un graphe simple, ou d'un graphe connexe simple, ayant des nombres donnés `(m_{ij}...

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The object of study in the recent theory of Mean Field Games has been primarily large populations of agents interacting through a population dependent coupli...

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The distance, distance Laplacian and distance signless Laplacian spectra of a connected graph \(G\) are the spectra of the distance, distance Laplacian and...

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The paper discusses bounds on the nullity number of graphs. It is proved in [B. Cheng and B. Liu, On the nullity of graphs. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 16 ...

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Étant donné un graphe \(G\) complet, orienté, avec des poids sur les sommets et les arcs, une \(k\)-coloration \(\theta\)-impropre de \(G\) est une...

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Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à létude des valeurs propres du laplacien des distances d'un graphe connexe d'ordre \(n\) et de nombre chromatique ...

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Le problème de la détermination du plus grand sous-graphe \(k\)-colorable (\(k\)-MCSP) consiste à colorer autant de sommets que possible avec au plus `...

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