Logistique intelligente (conception d’horaires, chaînes d’approvisionnement, logistique, systèmes manufacturiers)


Cahiers du GERAD

774 résultats — page 24 de 39

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We consider the bilevel uncapacitated facility location problem with user preferences. It is known that this model may be reformulated as a one-level locati...

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The multiprocessor scheduling problem with communication delays that we consider in this paper consists of finding a static schedule of an arbitrary task gra...

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In some schools and universities, students must sometimes be divided into several teams in such a way that each team provides a good representation of the cl...

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Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and column generation, devised for linear programs, is a success story in large scale integer programming. We outline and relate ...

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We propose a differential game to study retailer’s allocation strategy of shelf-space shares between the manufacturers of two competing brands. Each manufact...

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A constant fixed cost of establishing a facility is introduced within the framework of minisum facility location in the continuous space. The solution metho...

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In this exploratory study, a segmentation analysis of a shopping mall’s customers is conducted according to the activities they performed during their visit,...

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A zone-dependent fixed cost is introduced within the framework of minisum location of facilities in the continuous space. An efficient algorithm for determin...

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A critical aspect of operating an airline is to continuously maintain adequate staffing levels of qualified crewmembers. The airline must be able to plan sev...

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The integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem consists in determining a minimum-cost set of aircraft routes and crew pairings such that each fl...

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Column generation is often used to solve problems involving set partitioning constraints, such as vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems. When these co...

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This paper examines the convergence properties of two well-known heuristics: variable neighborhood search (VNS) and random multistart local search (MLS). Bot...

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When applying the 2-opt heuristic to the travelling salesman problem, selecting the best improvement at each iteration gives worse results on average than se...

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The berth allocation problem is to allocate space along the quayside to incoming ship at a container terminal in order to minimize some objective function....

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The berth allocation problem is to allocate berths (i.e., sections of the quayside) to ships arriving in a container port in order to minimize the sum of the...

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In order to achieve a successful implementation of electronic commerce (EC), it is necessary to "re-engineer" the logistics activities of the enterprise. Thi...

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Ce document présente une revue de littérature sur la logistique inverse. Dans la littérature, plusieurs termes sont utilisés comme des synonymes, par exemple...

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We propose a numerical approach to compute stationary Markov perfect Nash equilibrium advertising strategies of Lanchester model. The algorithm can be implem...

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A sizeable proportion of manufacturing expenses can be attributed to facility layout and material handling. Facility layout decisions involve designing the ...

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This paper deals with the issue of shelf-space allocation and advertising decisions in marketing channels. We consider a network composed of a unique retaile...

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