Logistique intelligente (conception d’horaires, chaînes d’approvisionnement, logistique, systèmes manufacturiers)


Cahiers du GERAD

774 résultats — page 38 de 39

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This paper presents some preliminary results from an ongoing study of the impact of various operating scenarios on the construction and quality of reoutes in...

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This paper examines some properties of generalized subtour elimination constraints and connectivity constraints used in a variety of routing problems.

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People who attend several meetings on the same day often have unusable pieces of free time between meetings. These can be reduced or eliminated through bett...

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In some universities, complete course schedules are made available to students at the time of registration. Typically these schedules give the room number, ...

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In location-routing problems, the objective is to locate one or many depots within a set of sites (representing customer locations or cities) and to construc...

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The aim of this paper is to develop an exact algorithm for the asymmetrical capacitated vehicle routing problem, i.e. the multiple travelling salesman proble...

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Ce rapport décrit un modèle de planification tactique pour l'amélioration de l'industrie du camionnage au Canada. après une brève description du problème, o...

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This paper deals with a generalized version of the Travelling Salesman Problem which consists of finding the shortest Hamiltonian circuit through n clusters,...

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This paper describes algorithmic approaches for dealing with fuzziness in some highly structured combinatorial problems. A general framework is described an...

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Some earlier results on k-star constraints and comb inequalities are generalized.

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L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer l'impact sur les choix résidentiels de certains changements structurels tels les modifications dans la composition de la ...

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This paper describes an integer linear programming algorithm for vehicle routing problems involving capacity and distance constraints. The method uses const...

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In this article, we examine the use of Lagrangian relaxation to obtain a lower bound on the minimum fleet size for the m-TSP with time window constraints on ...

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This paper provides an integer linear programming formulation and an exact algorithm for a class of multidepot vehicle routing problems. This formulation co...

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This paper provides integer linear programming formulations for three types of vehicle routing problems. Appropriate relaxations of these formulations lend ...

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Consider a set of trips where each trip is specified a priori by a place of origin, a destination, a duration, a cost and a time interval within which the tr...

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This paper provides an integer linear programming formulation for a class of multidepot vehicle routing problems. This formulation contains degree constrain...

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Bus fleet route planning is often carried out in the following two sequential stages:<br> 1) Based on the demand, determine the trips to be carried out.<br>...

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In this article, two Lagrangean relaxations for the vehicle routing problem with time windeow constraints are examined. In the first case, the scheduling co...

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Les modèles développés jusqu'à maintenant dans le domaine urbain, que ce soient les modèles économétriques ou encore les modèles déterministes de simulation,...

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