Axe 1 : Valorisation des données pour la prise de décision
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419 résultats — page 13 de 21
Methods, models, heuristic and exact algorithms for clustering are reviewed from a mathematical programming view point.
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A recent proof of NP-hardness of Euclidean sum-of-squares clustering, due to Drineas et al., <i>Machine Learning</i> 56, 9--33, 2004, is not valid. An altern...
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Le texte qui suit est un chapitre du livre intitulé <i>Fourmis artificielles, des bases algorithmiques aux concepts et réalisations avancés</i>, Nicolas Monm...
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Minimum sum-of-squares clustering consists in partitioning a given set of <i>n</i> points into <i>c</i> clusters in order to minimize the sum of squared dist...
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In this paper we present a simple technique that uses background information to improve mining the frequent patterns of structured data. This technique uses ...
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Flexibility in workforce planning is one of the best ways to respond to fluctuations of the demand. This paper proposes a flexible mixed integer linear pro...
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<p> Given a graph <i>G=(V,E)</i> with strictly positive integer weights <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\omega_i"> on the vertices <img src="/cgi-bin/mimete...
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This paper proposes to use local search inside filtering algorithms of combinatorial structures for which achieving a desired level of consistency is too c...
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A weighted multivariate signed-rank test is introduced for an analysis of multivariate clustered data. Observations in different clusters may then get diffe...
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With the help of the AutoGraphiX system, we study relations of the form
<img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\underline{b}m \le i1(G) \oplus i_2(G) \le \overl...
référence BibTeXMultivariate Mixed Decision Trees
In this paper, we propose a tree-based method for multivariate outcomes consisting in a mixture of categorical and continuous responses. The split function...
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In this paper, we consider the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem with cluster correlated data. A class of weighted Mann-Whitney test statistics are intr...
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Cet article dresse un portrait de l'état de la concurrence fiscale internationale par l'entremise i) de l'étude des taux d'impôt et autres caractéristiques...
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This study examines simultaneously the effect of personal, contextual, and product-related factors on purchasing behaviour of fair-trade products. The resu...
référence BibTeXOn a Reduction of the Interval Coloring Problem to a Series of Bandwidth Coloring Problems
Given a graph <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?G=(V,E)"> with strictly positive integer weights <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\omega_i"> on the vertices <img ...
référence BibTeXDiscrete-Time Survival Trees
Tree-based methods are frequently used in studies with censored survival time. Their structure and ease of interpretability make them useful to identify p...
référence BibTeXVariable Neighborhood Search Methods
Main methods, algorithms and applications of the Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic are surveyed, in view of a chapter of the <i>Encyclopedia of Opti...
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To the best of our knowledge, the complexity of minimum sum-of-squares clustering is unknown. Yet, it has often been stated that this problem is NP-hard. We...
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In this paper we study the Capacitated Team Orienteering and Profitable Tour Problems (CTOP and CPTP). The interest in these problems comes from recent devel...
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We consider the bandwidth coloring problem, a generalization of the well-known graph coloring problem. For the latter problem, a classical theorem, discover...
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