Axe 2 : Aide à la décision prise dans les systèmes complexes
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This paper describes a planning problem faced by a fast-growing petroleum company in West Africa. The problem is a complex variant of the petrol station repl...
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Efficiently solving a vehicle routing problem (\(\mathcal{VRP}\)
) in a practical runtime is a critical challenge for delivery management companies. This pa...
This poster conceptually lays out recent advances in trustworthy machine learning (ML) that are of great interest for power systems applications like virtu...
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The truck loading and inventory routing problems are the two most important decisions made by companies replenishing petrol stations. This paper investigates...
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Nous présentons une analyse de la borne de complexité dans le pire des cas pour les méthodes de région de confiance en présence d'approximations du Hessien...
référence BibTeXCorrigendum: A proximal quasi-Newton trust-region method for nonsmooth regularized optimization
The purpose of the present note is to bring clarifications to certain concepts and surrounding notation of Aravkin et al. (2022). All results therein contin...
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We develop a trust-region method for minimizing the sum of a smooth term \(f\)
and a nonsmooth term \(h\)
, both of which can be nonconvex.
Each iteratio...
An interior-point trust-region method for nonsmooth regularized bound-constrained optimization
Nous développons une méthode de points intérieurs pour l'optimisation non lisse régularisée avec contraintes de bornes. Notre méthode résout de manière ité...
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In this work, we study a class of two-player deterministic finite-horizon difference games with coupled inequality constraints, where both players have two t...
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The fine-tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs) has enabled them to recently achieve milestones in natural language processing applications. The emergenc...
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Bus scheduling in public transit consists in determining a set of bus schedules to cover a set of timetabled trips at minimum cost. This planning process has...
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Yield uncertainty is an important issue in various industries such as agriculture, food, and textile where the production output is reliant on uncontrollable...
référence BibTeXAlgorithme primal ajoutant des variables pour le problème du partitionnement d'ensemble généralisé
Le problème du partitionnement d'ensemble est un problème de programmation en nombres entiers très étudié. Le problème consiste à trouver une partition de tâ...
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The cosine measure was introduced in 2003 to quantify the richness of a finite positive spanning sets of directions in the context of derivative-free direc...
référence BibTeXThe heterogeneous-fleet electric vehicle routing problem with nonlinear charging functions
This paper introduces the Heterogeneous-Fleet Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Nonlinear Charging Functions (HEVRP-NL). This problem involves routing a ...
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A challenge in aircraft design optimization is the presence of non-computable, so-called hidden, constraints that do not return a value in certain regions of...
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In this work, we improve the efficiency of Unit Commitment (UC) optimization solvers using a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN). In power systems, UC ...
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La bibliothèque de sous-programmes Harwell (HSL) est une suite renommée de méthodes numériques efficaces et robustes conçus pour résoudre des problèmes mathé...
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This work introduces a novel multi-fidelity blackbox optimization algorithm designed to alleviate the resource-intensive task of evaluating infeasible points...
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This study addresses large-scale personnel scheduling problems in the service industry by combining mathematical programming with data mining techniques to...
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