Axe 2 : Aide à la décision prise dans les systèmes complexes


Cahiers du GERAD

1368 résultats — page 60 de 69

We study the problem of finding a shortest collision-free path for a point car-like robot maneuvering around polygonal obstacles in a room bounded by a poly...

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The paper is concerned with sustainable cooperation in a vertical two-member channel of distribution over an infinite planning horizon. Sustainable intertem...

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We study the problem of minimizing the peak load in single-command cycle shared storage policies. The peak load is the maximum of the daily material handlin...

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Diverses classes de modèles permettant la génération de solutions pour des problèmes d'implantations d'usines sont décrits. La description de chacune des c...

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We consider a model for communications network design that includes the optimal location of switches (of which there are several types) and the design of th...

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Two new path problems in graphs are studied: MINRANGE, i.e., find a path from a vertex <i>s</i> to a vertex <i>t</i> with the smallest possible range of a...

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In this paper a new approach for the facility layout problem is presented. This approach combines genetic algorithms with linear programming to design the ...

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We consider the problem of minimizing, over a fixed horizon, the peak load in single-command cycle dedicated storage policies. The daily load is the expecte...

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The multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with time windows consists of scheduling a fleet of vehicles to cover a set of tasks at minimum cost. Each task i...

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A review is made of models and algorithms for probabilistic satisfiability and its extensions. The basic probabilistic satisfiability problem, in decision f...

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Extension of input-output functions for generating units allows simultaneous solution of the static unit commitment and economic dispatch problems by dynami...

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Let <i>G =</i> (<i>V,E</i>) be an undirected graph and <i>c</i> any vector in Z<sub>+</sub><sup><i>V</i>(<i>G</i>)</sup>. Denote by <img src="chi.gif" alig...

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In the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), the aim is to determine a least cost Hamiltonian circuit or cycle through several clusters of vertic...

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The problem of assigning locomotives to train-segments is very important for railway companies, in view of the high cost of operating locomotives. The prob...

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This paper presents an optimal dynamic programming algorithm, the first such algorithm in the literature to solve the shortest path problem with time window...

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In the airline industry, crew schedules consist of a number of pairings. These are round trips originating and terminating at the same crew home base compo...

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We give lower and upper bounds for the number of reducible ears as well as upper bounds for the number of perfect matchings in an elementary bipartite graph...

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The maxmin problem models a game sequentially played by two players having opposite objective. Before making his move, the first player must anticipate the...

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A mixed graph <i>G<sub><img src="theta.gif"></sub></i> contains both undirected edges and directed arcs. A <i>k</i>-coloring of <i>G<sub><img src="theta.g...

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The majority of vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems studied up to date in the literature can be formulated by means of a unified model introduced b...

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