Axe 2 : Aide à la décision prise dans les systèmes complexes
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1401 résultats — page 67 de 71
Schedule compression is a major concern in project management. We propose an extension of the classical crashing model to include the managerial practice of...
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This paper shows how the subtour elimination constraints developed by Miller, Tucker and Zemlin for the traveling salesman problem can be improved and exten...
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We consider projects represented by a PERT network, with convex cost-of-time functions on individual activities, and we show the existence of an efficient m...
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The multiple vehicle many-to-many routing problem is presented in the context of a dial-a-ride system. It is solved by mini-clustering first and optimal ro...
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We present an algorithm that solves the problem of finding the vehicle schedule which minimizes total inconveniences for travel along a fixed path, where se...
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Le problème classique d'optimisation de la capacité des réseaux de télécommunications s'énonce comme suit: pour un réseau dont la structure, la demande et l...
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Several single-commodity, two-commodity and multi-commodity flow formulations have recently been introduced for the travelling salesman problem. The purpose...
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In this paper, we present general formulations for the stochastic vehicle routing problem with capacity restrictions in which the <i>m</i> vehicle tours hav...
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Given a weighted graph with profits associated with the vertices, the selective travelling salesman problem (or orienteering problem) consists of selecting ...
référence BibTeXMinimisation d'une fonction convexe séparable avec contraintes de rapport entre les variables
We present a dual algorithm to minimize a separable convex function under ratio constraints between variables. This minimization problem occurs when the dep...
référence BibTeXA Network Approach to a Simultaneous Origin-Destination Assignment and Vehicule Routing Problem
The problem is to elaborate a minimum cost transportation plan by simultaneously solving the following two sub-problems: the assignment of available units at...
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This paper deals with efficient computation of a certain type of Nash-Cournot equilibria in multi-stage oligopolies. The generic structure analyzed herein r...
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We consider an oligopolistic industry extracting a non-renewable resource sold in a competitive market. We show, first, that if all players, but one, have i...
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We present an algorithm that solve the problem of finding the best vehicle time schedule (minimizing total inconveniences) for a fixed path, knowing that vis...
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This paper describes a family of stochastic location-routing problems which consist of simultaneously locating a depot among a set of potential sites, of det...
référence BibTeXThéorie des jeux et marchés énergétiques: marché européen du gaz naturel et échanges d'électricité
Nous analysons dans cette thèse le marché européen du gaz naturel et les échanges d'électricité entre réseaux interconnectés dans le cadre de la théorie des ...
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This note deals with the concept of stochastic equilibrium-programming <i>SEP</i> which has recently been proposed for the modeling of imperfect competition ...
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The urban transit crew scheduling problem arises in mass transit corporations who have to create minimal cost bus driver schedule respecting both the collect...
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A model is presented for looking at the main characteristics of long term gas contracts. The problem is formulated as a dynamic stochastic multimarket model...
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This paper presents mathematical formulations for some vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time window constraints and the optimal solution approach...
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