Axe 3 : Aide à la décision prise sous incertitude
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306 résultats — page 16 de 16
A notion of Nash equilibrium, called event-adapted equilibrium, is defined for non-cooperative, multi-stage games where uncertainty is gradually resolved. ...
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In this paper we develop a stochastic, dynamic network equilibrium model of airline passenger transportation. The model explicitly incorporates the behavior...
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This paper addresses the question of determining an optimal mix of gas contracts for a producer supplying the North American gas market. We first propose a ...
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In this paper, we present general formulations for the stochastic vehicle routing problem with capacity restrictions in which the <i>m</i> vehicle tours hav...
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This paper describes a family of stochastic location-routing problems which consist of simultaneously locating a depot among a set of potential sites, of det...
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A model is presented for looking at the main characteristics of long term gas contracts. The problem is formulated as a dynamic stochastic multimarket model...
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