Cahiers: Submission procedure

The Cahiers du GERAD series is the witness of the strength and productivity of our group. It also shows the extent of GERAD researches and demonstrates the large range of research fields concerned by our researchers.

  • Members are invited to send us their manuscripts upon submission to scientific journals, as well as their research reports and working papers.
  • Only GERAD members, their students and guests may publish an article in the Cahiers du GERAD series.
  • To facilitate the editing process, please write your articles according to the document class specific to GERAD, which is available on CTAN. The class and template will be updated regularly, and therefore, members are invited to always use the latest version.
  • For Overleaf users, simply click on this link to get the files for the Overleaf version of the template for the Cahiers du GERAD.
  • Please send your source files (LaTeX, Bibtex, Word, graphics), along with a PDF file, to the GERAD Edition Coordinator
  • A summary (abstract) is requested. The translation is not required, but appreciated, and it can be more succinct than the original abstract of the article.
  • Also, please remember to specify the research axes and applications to which the article is associated
  • For referencing the Cahiers, please use the following format : Surname, Name (Month 202X). Title, Technical report, Les Cahiers du GERAD G-202x-xx, GERAD, HEC Montréal, Canada.