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A critical aspect of operating an airline is to continuously maintain adequate staffing levels of qualified crewmembers. The airline must be able to plan sev...

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Using deformed products of arrangements, we construct a family of linear programs with <i>n</i> inequalities in <img src="real.png" align="middle" height=17>...

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In the long term, the Kyoto Protocol itself will be insufficient to stabilize the greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere; the participation of...

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The integrated aircraft routing and crew scheduling problem consists in determining a minimum-cost set of aircraft routes and crew pairings such that each fl...

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Column generation is often used to solve problems involving set partitioning constraints, such as vehicle routing and crew scheduling problems. When these co...

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This paper examines the convergence properties of two well-known heuristics: variable neighborhood search (VNS) and random multistart local search (MLS). Bot...

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Genetic algorithm has proven itself to be a fairly good optimization algorithm. Despite its many successful applications, there is a lack of theoretical ...

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When applying the 2-opt heuristic to the travelling salesman problem, selecting the best improvement at each iteration gives worse results on average than se...

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This paper addresses the problem of determining the optimal daily operating policy of a small reservoir subject to yearly probabilistic constraints on floods...

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The berth allocation problem is to allocate space along the quayside to incoming ship at a container terminal in order to minimize some objective function....

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The fleet management problem discussed in this paper consists in assigning the best routes to a set of vehicles in an underground mine haulage network. The h...

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This paper presents two solution approaches for taking into account the displacement mode (forward or in reverse) of vehicles during the solution of the shor...

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Let <i>G</i> be a simple graph on <i>n</i> vertices with the eigenvalues (of an adjacency matrix) &lambda;<sub>1</sub> &ge; &lambda;<sub>2</sub> &ge; ... &g...

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A Golomb ruler with <i>M</i> marks can be defined as a set {<i>a<sub>i</sub></i>} of integers so that all differences &delta;<sub><i>ij</i></sub> = <i>a<sub>...

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The Golomb Ruler problem consists in finding $n$ integers such that all possible differences are distinct and such that the largest difference is minimum. W...

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In this paper, we present an optimization model based on cost minimization for traffic engineering of multirate and ATM networks with switched virtual circ...

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The paper discusses the coupling of non-linear non-convex damage costs due to climate change with a cost-efficiency analysis based on a technical-economic li...

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This paper reviews state-of-the-art models and approaches for solving a wide variety of public transit problems encountered at the strategic, tactical, and...

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In this paper, we adapt the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to the case of cluster correlated data. A simple modification of the estimator of the asymptotic vari...

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The berth allocation problem is to allocate berths (i.e., sections of the quayside) to ships arriving in a container port in order to minimize the sum of the...

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