3083 results — page 99 of 155

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We describe an application of Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS)methodology to continuous global optimization problems with box constraints. A general VNS a...

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This paper presents an overview of the modeling approaches that are used to represent, understand and control the interactions between the economy of a regio...

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Allocution donnée par le professeur Georges Zaccour à la Société Royale du Canada, le vendredi 23 avril 2004, à HEC Montréal.

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In the present paper we review the method of augmenting graphs, which is a general approach to solve the maximum independent set problem. Our objective is th...

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The problem retained for the ROADEF'2001 international challenge was a frequency assignment problem with polarization constraints (FAPP). This NP-hard probl...

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We consider a two-player infinite-horizon discrete-time game where the players invest in R&D in order to develop a new technology to reduce production costs....

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<i>Tabucol</i>&nbsp; is a tabu search algorithm that tries to determine whether the vertices of a given graph can be colored with a &#64257;xed number <i>k</...

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This paper discusses a Bayesian functional estimation method, based on Fourier series, for the estimation of the hazard rate from randomly right-censored dat...

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Two ways for bounding <i>n</i>-variables functions over a box, based on interval evalu- ations of first order derivatives, are compared. The optimal Baumann...

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In this paper, we study the Pitman asymptotic efficiencies of the sign and the Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for cluster correlated data. A general expression ...

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This paper presents algorithms to find vertex-critical and edge-critical subgraphs in a given graph <i>G</i>, and demonstrates how these critical subgraphs ...

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Linear relaxations are solved by column generation. Stabilization techniques such as dual-optimal inequalities and stabilized column generation algorithms t...

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We propose a Dynamic Programming (DP) approach combined with approximation for pricing options embedded in bonds, the focus being on call and put options wit...

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Let <i>G</i>=(<i>V,E</i>) be a graph with vertex set <i>V</i> and edge set <i>E</i>. The <i>k</i>-colouring problem is to assign a colour (a number chosen ...

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The shortest path problem with resource constraints consists of finding the minimum cost path between two specified points while respecting constraints on r...

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In this study we develop optimization, decomposition, and heuristic procedures to design a unidirectional loop flow pattern along with the pickup and delive...

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This paper deals with the control of the class of uncertain hybrid stochastic systems. The uncertainties we are considering are of norm bounded type. The st...

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We study whether the introduction of a private label could be profitable for retailers and manufacturers. We also investigate if cooperative advertising cou...

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In this work we propose to use a continuous Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS for short) heuristic for minimizing the potential energy function of molecules...

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This paper presents some new heuristics based on variable neighborhood search to solve the vertex weighted <i>k</i>-cardinality tree problem. An efficient l...

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