Scientific Publications

6152 results — page 611 of 616

Stronger linear-programming relaxations of max-cut
Mathematical Programming, 97(3), 451–469, 2003 BibTeX reference
Tests for non-correlation of two time series: A nonparametric approach
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Eds Froda, S, Léger, C et Moore, M, Mathematical Statistics and Applications: Festschrift for Constance van Eeden, IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series 42, 397–416, 2003 BibTeX reference
Solving the multi-buyer joint replenishment problem with a modified genetic algorithm
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Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 37(3), 291–299, 2003 BibTeX reference
The impact of junior kindergarten on behavior in elementary-school-children
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International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27(5), 423–427, 2003 BibTeX reference
P-5-free augmenting graphs and the maximum stable set problem
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Discrete Applied Mathematics, 132(38355), 109–119, 2003 BibTeX reference
The performance of analytical approximations for the computation of asian quanto-basket option prices
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Multinational Finance Journal, 7, 55–82, 2003 BibTeX reference
Meta-heuristics in combinatorial optimization
numéro spécial de European Journal of Operational Research, 2003 BibTeX reference
Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 6. Analyzing bounds for the connectivity index
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 43(1), 1–14, 2003 BibTeX reference
Guidelines for the use of meta-heuristics in combinatorial optimization
European Journal of Operational Research, 151, 248–252, 2003 BibTeX reference
A variable neighborhood search for graph coloring
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European Journal of Operational Research, 151, 379–388, 2003 BibTeX reference