Scientific Publications

6152 results — page 612 of 616

Equity in international greenhouse gases abatement scenarios: A multicriteria approach
European Journal of Operational Research, 157(2), page 20, 2003 BibTeX reference
Aligned rank test in bivariate randomized block models
Eds Froda, S, Léger, C and Moore, M, Mathematical Statistics and Applications: Festschrift for Constance van Eeden, IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series 42, 85–98, 2003 BibTeX reference
Pulmonary and systemic nitric-oxide measurements during CCK-5-induced panic-attacks
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Neuropsychopharmacology, 28(10), 1840–1845, 2003 BibTeX reference
Real-time vehicle-routing: Solution concepts, algorithms and parallel computing strategies
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European Journal of Operational Research, 151(1), 1–11, 2003 BibTeX reference
Local search with alternating neighborhoods (Russian)
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Discrete Analysis and Operations Research, 2(10), 11–43, 2003 BibTeX reference
Delay-dependent stability analysis of singular linear continuous-time system
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 150(4), 325–330, 2003 BibTeX reference
A separable approximation dynamic programming algorithm for economic dispatch with transmission losses
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 12(2), 157–166, 2002 BibTeX reference
Distance monotonicity and a new characterization of hypercubes
Discrete Mathematics, 245(1-3), 55–62, 2002 BibTeX reference
Industrial applications of the variable neighborhood search metaheuristic
Decision & Control in Management Science, 4, 261–273, 2002 BibTeX reference
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European Journal of Operational Research, 143(1), 80–93, 2002 BibTeX reference