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We introduce an iterative method named BiLQ for solving general square linear systems \(Ax=b\) based on the Lanczos biorthogonalization process defined by ...

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Nous déterminons le prix optimal et la quantité commandée de deux produits substituts offerts dans deux marchés, dont l'un est saisonnier avec un potentiel d...

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Cities are facing severe traffic-related problems causing emission thresholds to be exceeded. All around the world, city center access restriction policies a...

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In an optimization problem, multiplying an inequality constraint by a positive scalar has no effect on the domain. However, such a transformation might have...

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Dans ce papier, nous comparons la méthode BFGS à la méthode du gradient conjugué (CG) pour résoudre un problème d'optimisation sans contrainte avec un algori...

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This paper presents a linear mixed-integer formulation to solve the short-term unit commitment problem. It determines the pair of maximum efficiency points o...

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In e-commerce warehouses, online retailers increase their efficiency by using a mixed-shelves (or scattered storage) concept, where unit loads are purposeful...

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We introduce the conditional \(p\)-dispersion problem (c-pDP), an incremental variant of the \(p\)-dispersion problem (pDP). In the c-pDP, one is given a...

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Statistical image reconstruction in X-Ray computed tomography yields large-scale regularized linear least-squares problems with nonnegativity bounds, where t...

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We consider the use of demand response to address phase unbalance in a distribution grid. At present this problem is addressed by modifying the topology of t...

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In the present paper, we prove lower and upper bounds for each of the ratios \(GA/\delta\), as well as a lower bound on \(GA/\sqrt{\delta}\), in terms of...

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A small polygon is a polygon of unit diameter. The question of finding the largest area of small \(n-\)gons has been answered for some values of \(n\)....

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Mathematical models of energy-economy-environmental systems (E3) provide a rational framework for exploring the effects of energy and climate policies and su...

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This paper explores the idea that two-stage worst-case regret minimization problems with either objective or right-hand side uncertainty can be reformulated ...

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The introduction of renewable energy sources (RES) changes the shape of an electricity system's supply curve. In a perfectly competitive market, this causes ...

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Nous étudions un problème stochastique de planification de production et réapprovision-nement sur trois échelons via un processus de décision en deux étapes....

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Personnel scheduling consists of determining least-cost work schedules to cover the demand of multiple jobs expressed in number of employees per job and peri...

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The 1970s-1980s droughts in the Sahel caused a significant degradation of land and plant cover. To cope with this situation, populations have developed seve...

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On considère un grand groupe de consommateurs qui peuvent choisir entre deux produits substituables à chaque occasion d’achat. Leur choix est influencé pa...

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We present a progressive approximation algorithm for the exact solution of several classes of interdiction games in which two non-cooperative players (namely...

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