3128 résultats — page 23 de 157

The performance of deep neural networks is highly sensitive to the choice of the hyperparameters that define the structure of the network and the learning pr...

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Variable fixing by reduced costs is a popular technique for accelerating the solution process of mixed-integer linear programs. For vehicle routing problems ...

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User-centered logistics aiming at customer satisfaction are gaining importance due to growing e-commerce and home deliveries. Customer satisfaction can be ...

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Intermittent renewable energy, such as solar and wind, brings uncertainty into the grid. To increase their contribution into the energy mix, load management ...

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Estimating the unknown density from which a given independent sample originates is more difficult than estimating the mean, in the sense that for the best po...

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Dans cet article, on introduit une classe de jeux différentiels à somme non-nulle et à horizon fini où un joueur utilise des variables de commande continues ...

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Array-RQMC has been proposed as a way to effectively apply randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) when simulating a Markov chain over a large number of steps to...

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In this study, we develop a deterministic nonlinear filtering algorithm based on a high-dimensional version of Kitagawa (1987) to evaluate the likelihood fun...

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This paper introduces the algorithmic design and implementation of Tulip, an open-source interior-point solver for linear optimization. It implements the ho...

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Significant progress has been made in the field of computer vision, due to the development of supervised machine learning algorithms, which efficiently extra...

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Les organismes caritatifs jouent un rôle important dans la production de biens et services. L'objectif de cet article est de déterminer la politique optimale...

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L’accroissement de la proportion d’énergies renouvelables fluctuantes représente un défi important pour les exploitants de réseaux électriques. Il existe p...

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We analyze an endogenous growth model with non-constant discounting and a negative externality of growth on utility. With a decreasing rate of impatience, ...

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We consider three colouring problems which are variations of the basic vertex-colouring problem, and are motivated by applications from various domains. We g...

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Dans cet article, nous étudions la concurrence entre marques nationales et marques privées (ou marques de distributeurs) en analysant l’effet de la présence ...

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Reducing the number of features used in data classification can remove noisy or redundant features, reduce the cost of data collection, and improve the accur...

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This paper studies the Dynamic Facility Location Problem with Modular Capacities (DFLPM). We propose a linear relaxation based heuristic (LRH) and an evoluti...

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\(K\)-medoids clustering is among the most popular methods for cluster analysis, but it carries several assumptions about the nature of the latent clusters...

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Suite aux travaux de Estrin et al. (2019), nous développons une méthode pour l’optimisation avec contraintes générales basée sur une fonction de pénalité d...

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In large commercial airlines, the monthly schedule (roster) of the crew members is usually determined by solving two problems sequentially, namely, the crew ...

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