3083 résultats — page 33 de 155

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Location-routing problems (LRPs) with intra-route facilities have recently gained the attention of researchers and practitioners. Intra-route facilities are ...

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The Runge-Kutta class of iterative methods is designed to approximate solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE). The second-order cla...

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We consider the problems of determining the metric dimension and the minimum cardinality of doubly resolving sets in \(n\)-cubes. Most heuristics develope...

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We consider the multivariate linear model for multilevel data where units are nested within a hierarchy of clusters. We propose permutation procedures to te...

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Facility layout is a well-known operations research problem that arises in various applications. The multi-row layout is a challenging optimization problem...

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This work presents a collaborative scheme for the end-users in a smart building with multiple housing units. This approach determines a day-ahead operational...

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Un produit dont la possession induit une désutilité à son propriétaire est appelé une mauvaise commodité (par exemple des déchets). Cet article s’intéresse ...

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In this study, the problem environment consists of two fast fashion retailing firms where one can obtain the other's selling data from an outside agent. The ...

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On considère un jeu dynamique représentant un canal de distribution formé d'un manufacturier et d'un détaillant où la demande dépend du prix et de la réputat...

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Récemment, deux approches différentes basées sur la fonction copule ont été proposées pour estimer la fonction des quantiles conditionnels d'une variable `...

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This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic programming formulation based on affine decision rules for the reservoir management problem. Our approach seeks ...

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The main objective of this paper is to explore deep decarbonization pathways for the Canadian energy sector that would allow Canada to participate in global ...

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Dans cet article nous étudions un problème d'optimisation combinatoire très difficile qui se pose dans la planification des opérations d'une machine pour t...

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The aim of this paper is to computationally compare several algorithms for the Minimum Cost Perfect Matching Problem on an undirected graph. Our work is moti...

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Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisante pour l'existence d'un graphe simple, ou d'un graphe connexe simple, ayant des nombres donnés `(m_{ij}...

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Dans cet article, nous passons en revue la littérature appliquant la théorie de viabilité à la gestion durable de ressources renouvelables. Après un bref rap...

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We investigate the role of heterogeneous peer effects in encouraging healthy and sustainable lifestyles. Our analysis revolves around one of the largest an...

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This paper addresses the solution of the capacitated minimum cost flow problem on a network containing \(n\) nodes and \(m\) arcs. Satisfying necessary ...

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Nous proposons une méthode itérative pour les problèmes aux moindres carrés linéaires \(A x \approx b\) nommée LSLQ. La méthode repose sur le processus ...

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Partially observed Mean Field Game (PO MFG) theory was introduced and developed in (Caines and Kizilkale, 2013, 2014, Şen and Caines 2014, 2015), where it i...

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