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Every mining operation faces a decision on additional drilling at some point during its lifetime. The two questions that always arise with this decision are ...

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Locally weighted regression combines the advantages of polynomial regression and kernel smoothing. We present three ideas for appropriate and effective use...

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Étant donné un graphe \(G\) complet, orienté, avec des poids sur les sommets et les arcs, une \(k\)-coloration \(\theta\)-impropre de \(G\) est une...

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We consider the NP-hard problem of synthesis of optimal spanning communication subgraph in a given arbitrary simple edge-weighted graph. This problem occurs ...

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We investigate the well-known NP-hard problem of finding an optimal communication subgraph in a given edge-weighted graph. This problem appears in different ...

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We consider the problem of optimal communication tree construction in a given undirected weighted graph. Such a problem occurs while minimizing the power c...

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In this paper, we study how uncertainties weighing on the climate system impact the optimal technological pathways the world energy system should take to com...

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La méthode de branch-cut-and-price est la plus performante pour une grande panoplie de problèmes de tournées de véhicules (PTV). Pour plusieurs d'entre eux...

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In this paper we present our solution for the Challenge problem publicly announced by Railway Application Section (RAS), which operates within INFORMS. Varia...

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We analyze a transboundary pollution differential game where pollution control is spatially distributed among a number of agents with predetermined spatial r...

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Les heuristiques basées sur la théorie des graphes sont largement utilisées dans plusieurs domaines pour résoudre approximativement des problèmes d'optimisat...

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Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à létude des valeurs propres du laplacien des distances d'un graphe connexe d'ordre \(n\) et de nombre chromatique ...

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Le Problème de Transportà la Demande (PTAD) consiste à définir un ensemble de tournées pour acheminer des clients de leur point d'origine à leur point de des...

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An electronic nose (e-nose), or artificial olfactometer, is a device that analyzes the air to quantify odor concentration using an array of gas sensors. Thi...

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We study distributed methods for online prediction and stochastic optimization. Our approach is iterative: in each round nodes first perform local computatio...

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Le problème de la détermination du plus grand sous-graphe \(k\)-colorable (\(k\)-MCSP) consiste à colorer autant de sommets que possible avec au plus `...

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On considère un jeu dynamique défini sur un arbre d’évènements avec temps terminal aléatoire. On suppose que les joueurs coopèrent pour maximiser leur gain ...

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The Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm (MADS) is an iterative method for constrained blackbox optimization problems. One of the optional MADS features i...

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Two-level orthogonal designs play an important role in industrial screening experiments, in which the primary goal is to identify the treatment factors with ...

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Recent developments in the global rare earth elements (REE) sector have caused a surge in motivation for nations outside of China to secure their own REE sup...

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