3083 résultats — page 55 de 155

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Mine scheduling requires input variables such as geological model and economic values in order to deliver an optimal production schedule. Geological uncertai...

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The classical maximum closure problem is of particular importance to the mining industry because it is the underlying formulation related to mine design and ...

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This paper attempts to incorporate equipment selection/allocation into the optimization of open pit mine production scheduling. Equipment selection has been ...

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The characterization of the spatial continuity of categorical variables, such as geological units, is a longstanding subject in geostatistics. Indicator cova...

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This paper proposes a stochastic integer programming (SIP) formulation to address the optimization of long-term mine production schedules, whereby the supply...

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The spatial continuity of lithology and ore grade is one of the key factor for proper mine planning. Traditional geostatistical methods are used for spatial ...

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In the era of big data, data sets have been growing very large, and interest for algorithms and computation framework that handle such large scales is increa...

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This paper proposes a heuristic approach based on network flow techniques to schedule the production in open-pit mines, while accounting for metal uncertaint...

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Tropical algebra is the study of algebraic structures (tropical maps, idempotent semimodules, etc), constructed over the semifield `(\underline{\mathbb{R}} ...

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In the literature, the study of price subsidies of new technologies has focused on the tactical problem of achieving maximum penetration under a budget con...

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Traditionally, mining engineers plan an open pit mine considering pre-stablished conditions of operation of the plant(s) derived from a previous plant optimi...

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We design and implement a dynamic program (DP) for valuing corporate securities, seen as derivatives on a firm's assets, and computing the term structure o...

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Cutoff grade specifies the available supply of metallic ore from an open pit mine for the multiple processing and refining streams of the corresponding minin...

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Mining operations can be modelled as a supply chain from the sources of raw material (mines) through various processing streams to the final saleable product...

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Preferential sampling of high grade zones is a common practice in the drilling campaigns of ore deposits. This may lead to a bias in the statistics derived f...

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Unconditional consensus is the property of a consensus algorithm for multiple agents, to produce consensus irrespective of the particular time or state at wh...

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This paper presents an analysis of Canadian energy and climate policies in terms of the coherence between federal and provincial/territorial strategies. Afte...

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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a multifactorial disease known to result from a variety of factors. Although age is the principal risk factor, other etiological ...

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In this paper we present a comparative study of several strategies that can be applied to achieve the so-called elementary lower bound in vehicle routing p...

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In this paper we propose the use of twin graphs for optical transport network (OTN) physical topology design. Some properties inherent to twin graphs are fa...

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