3083 résultats — page 57 de 155


Why private labels (PLs) enjoy a large market in some countries while hardly penetrating others? What makes a market favourable to PL-product development? A...

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The distance Laplacian of a connected graph G is defined by L = Diag(Tr) - D, where D is the distance matrix of G , and Diag(Tr) is the diagonal m...

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We describe the most recent evolution of our constrained and unconstrained testing environment and its accompanying SIF decoder. Code-named SIFDecode and CU...

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Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation solved by Column Generation is an approach to obtain improved bounds for Mixed Integer Programs. A downside of this approach is t...

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The integer least squares problem is an important problem that arises in numerous applications. We propose a real relaxation-based branch-and-bound (RRBB) ...

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In the present paper, we are interested in studying mathematical properties of the Balaban index of connected graphs. We present a discussion on and refuta...

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Projected Krylov methods are full-space formulations of Krylov methods that take place in a nullspace. Provided projections into the nullspace can be compute...

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This paper studies a districting problem which arises in the context of financial product pricing. The challenge lies in partitioning a set of small geogra...

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The paper surveys the literature on cooperative advertising in marketing channels (supply chains) using game theoretic methods. During the last decade in p...

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We consider the multicommodity network flow formulation of the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem (MDVSP) and investigate several strategies within a ...

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Transmission and betweenness centrality are key concepts in communication networks theory. In this paper, a series of network descriptors based on betweenne...

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Le changement climatique constitue un défi majeur du 21<sup>e</sup> siècle. C'est un phénomène global, transfrontalier s'inscrivant dans un horizon de temps ...

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Cloud Computing applications are inherently oriented to send and receive information between multiple virtual machines and geographically distributed users. ...

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In this paper, we propose an algorithm to solve multi objective optimization problem where the objects under study are graphs. The proposed algorithm is des...

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The Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm (MADS) algorithm is designed for nonsmooth blackbox optimization problems in which the evaluation of the funct...

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This paper proposes a dynamic game model of the process through which countries join international environmental agreements (IEAs). The model assumes that ...

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Introduced during the late nineties of the last century, Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) was first designed for solving specific problems in combinatorial...

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Cloud Computing networks include software components, servers, routers, network links, and data center facilities. Thus, they require a meticulous design tha...

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Column generation for solving linear programs with a huge number of variables alternates between solving a master problem and a pricing subproblem to add var...

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We propose a new dynamic row/column management algorithm for the schedule of freight trains in a single/double track railway system. While many works have al...

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