Publications scientifiques
6152 résultats — page 575 de 616
jan. 2006
Optimality zone algorithms for hybrid systems: Efficient algorithms for optimal location and control computation
Proceedings of the 9th International HSCC Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2006), Santa Barbara, USA, 123–137, 2006
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jan. 2006
Static output feedback control for stochastic hybrid systems: LMI approach
Automatica, 42(1), 185–188, 2006
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jan. 2006
An anytime deduction algorithm for the probabilistic logic and entailment problems
2006 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society – NAFIPS, Montréal, Canada, 347–354, 2006
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jan. 2006
Quality of service in OBS networks: Issues, challenges and solutions
8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Nottingham, Royaume-Uni, 2006
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jan. 2006
Variable neighborhood search and local branching
, et
Computers & Operations Research, 33(10), 3034–3045, 2006
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jan. 2006
Optimal operation of TMP-newsprint refiners
, et
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 21(4), 534–541, 2006
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jan. 2006
Output feedback stabilization of nonlinear stochastic hybrid systems
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 23(2), 137–148, 2006
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jan. 2006
Controllability analysis of a TMP-newsprint refining process
, et
Pulp and Paper Canada, 107(10), 44–48, 2006
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jan. 2006
A Tabu search algorithm for a routing and container loading problem
, , et
Transportation Science, 40(3), 342–350, 2006
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jan. 2006
A new ant algorithm for graph coloring
Proceedings of the Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, NICSO 2006, Granada, Espagne, 51–60, 2006
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