Publications scientifiques

5904 résultats — page 575 de 591

On the asymptotic distribution of the residual autocovariance matrices in the autoregressive conditional multinomial model
ECONOMICS LETTERS, 83(2), 193–197, 2004 référence BibTeX
A conditionally distribution-free multivariate sign test for one-sided alternatives
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(466), 499–509, 2004 référence BibTeX
On robust testing for conditional heteroscedasticity in time series models
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 46, 227–256, 2004 référence BibTeX
Fleet management-system for underground mines
, , et
CIM Bulletin, 97(1077), 66–70, 2004 référence BibTeX
Solving the hierarchical chinese postman problem as a rural postman problem
, , et
European Journal of Operational Research, 155, 40–50, 2004 référence BibTeX
Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung und Wachstum
E. Jochem et M. Jakob, Energieperspektiven und CO2-Reduktionspotenziale in der Schweiz bis 2010, Hochschulverlag AG and der ETH Zürich, 263–268, 2004 référence BibTeX
Using the Computer to Study the Dynamics of the Handwriting Processes
, et
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3245, 242–254, 2004 référence BibTeX
Using Benders decomposition to implicitly model tour scheduling
, et
Annals of Operations Research, 128(38356), 111–133, 2004 référence BibTeX
Long-term trend analysis of online trading - A stochastic order switching model
Asia Pacific Management Review, 9(5), 1–30, 2004 référence BibTeX
Waiting strategies for the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 38(7), 635–655, 2004 référence BibTeX