Ingénierie (conception en ingénierie, conception numérique)


Cahiers du GERAD

225 résultats — page 4 de 12

This work is in the context of blackbox optimization where the functions defining the problem are expensive to evaluate and where no derivatives are availabl...

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The goal of the Encyclopedia of Optimization is to introduce the reader to a complete set of topics that sh...

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The Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP) is a well-known combinatorial optimization problem which amounts to maximizing a quadratic function of binary variables,...

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NOMAD is software for optimizing blackbox problems. In continuous development since 2001, it constantly evolved with the integration of new algorithmic...

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We introduce iterative methods named TriCG and TriMR for solving symmetric quasi-definite systems based on the orthogonal tridiagonalization process proposed...

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L'algorithme NCL est conçu pour les problèmes d'optimisation lisse dont les dérivées premières et secondes sont disponibles, y compris les problèmes dont ...

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We consider computationally expensive blackbox optimization problems and present a method that employs surrogate models and concurrent computing at the searc...

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This work introduces the StoMADS-PB algorithm for constrained stochastic blackbox optimization, which is an extension of the mesh adaptive direct-search (MAD...

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This paper proposes a way to combine the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) algorithm with the Cross-Entropy (CE) method for non smooth constrained optimizat...

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Le Neuvième atelier de résolution de problèmes industriels de Montréal, qui eut lieu du 19 au 23 août 2019, fut organisé conjointement par le CRM et l'Instit...

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We propose a new stochastic variance-reduced damped L-BFGS algorithm, where we leverage estimates of bounds on the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the He...

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This work reviews blackbox optimization applications over the last twenty years, addressed using direct search optimization methods. Emphasis is placed on...

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The design of key nonlinear systems often requires the use of expensive blackbox simulations presenting inherent discontinuities whose positions in the varia...

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We consider the iterative solution of regularized saddle-point systems. When the leading block is symmetric and positive semi-definite on an appropriate sub...

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Nous développons des bornes sur les valeurs propres d’une nouvelle formulation des équations de Newton dans les méthodes de points intérieurs pour l’optimisa...

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In derivative-free and blackbox optimization, the objective function is often evaluated through the execution of a computer program seen as a blackbox. It ...

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A highly influential ingredient of many techniques designed to exploit sparsity in numerical optimization is the so-called chordal extension of a graph repre...

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We introduce an iterative method named BiLQ for solving general square linear systems \(Ax=b\) based on the Lanczos biorthogonalization process defined by ...

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Dans ce papier, nous comparons la méthode BFGS à la méthode du gradient conjugué (CG) pour résoudre un problème d'optimisation sans contrainte avec un algori...

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Statistical image reconstruction in X-Ray computed tomography yields large-scale regularized linear least-squares problems with nonnegativity bounds, where t...

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