Ingénierie (conception en ingénierie, conception numérique)


Cahiers du GERAD

216 résultats — page 6 de 11

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The \(k\)-means is a benchmark algorithm used in cluster analysis. It belongs to the large category of heuristics based on location-allocation steps that ...

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The balanced clustering problem consists of partitioning a set of \(n\) objects into \(K\) equal-sized clusters as long as \(n\) is a multiple of `(K...

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La quadrature de Gauss-Radau nous permet d'obtenir une borne supérieure peu coûteuse sur l'erreur en norme Euclidienne associée aux itérés de SYMMLQ appliqu...

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Les problèmes d'optimisation de boîtes noires sont souvent contaminés par du bruit numérique, et les méthodes de recherche directe telles que l'algorithme de...

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, et constitue un écosystème de programmation simplifiant le développement d'algorithmes d'optimisation dans un langage de haut-niveau aussi puissant ...

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Dans le présent article, nous démontrons des bornes inférieure et supérieure sur chacun des rapports \(GA/\delta\), \(GA/\overline{d}\) et \(\Delta\), ...

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This paper presents a numerical investigation of the non-hierarchical formulation of Analytical Target Cascading (ATC) for coordinating distributed multidisc...

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Cet article propose une formulation par optimisation bi-niveau pour effectuer la conception d'un micro-réseau alimentant un complexe industriel autonome sur ...

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Une collection de systèmes linéaires engendrés au cours des itérations d'une méthode de points intérieurs pour l'optimisation quadratique convexe est...

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This work describes the application of a direct search method to the optimization of problems of real industrial interest, namely three new material scien...

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This paper considers a family of cutting planes, recently developed for mixed 0-1 polynomial programs and shows that they define facets for the maximum edge-...

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Dans cet article, on propose un nouvel algorithme pour trouver le contour optimal des chantiers dans les mines souterraines. Il est basé sur une méthodologie...

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Decentralized stochastic control refers to the multi-stage optimization of a dynamical system by multiple controllers that have access to different informati...

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In decentralized control systems with linear dynamics, quadratic cost, and Gaussian disturbance (also called decentralized LQG systems) linear control strate...

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Various constrained problem formulations for the optimization of an electro-thermal wing anti-icing system in both running-wet and evaporative regimes are pr...

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Dans de nombreuses applications réelles d'ingénierie, il est impossible de stocker les Jacobiens ou les Hessiens de manière explicite. L'implémentation de mé...

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Aircraft sizing, route network design, demand estimation and allocation of aircraft to routes are different facets of the air transportation optimization pro...

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Blackbox optimization deals with situations in which the objective function and constraints are typically computed by launching a time-consuming computer ...

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A preconditioned variant of the Golub and Kahan (1965) bidiagonalization process recently proposed by Arioli (2013) and Arioli and Orban (2013) allows us to ...

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We propose a generalization of the limited-memory Cholesky factorization of Lin and Moré (1999) to the symmetric indefinite case with special interest in sym...

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