Axe 3 : Aide à la décision prise sous incertitude


Cahiers du GERAD

300 résultats — page 9 de 15


In this study, the problem environment consists of two fast fashion retailing firms where one can obtain the other's selling data from an outside agent. The ...

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This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic programming formulation based on affine decision rules for the reservoir management problem. Our approach seeks ...

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Partially observed Mean Field Game (PO MFG) theory was introduced and developed in (Caines and Kizilkale, 2013, 2014, Şen and Caines 2014, 2015), where it i...

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The object of study in the recent theory of Mean Field Games has been primarily large populations of agents interacting through a population dependent coupli...

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This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic programming formulation for the reservoir management problem. Our problem specifically consists in minimizing th...

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Nous développons un modèle structurel élargi pour évaluer les dettes corporatives risquées qui prend en compte le risque de défaut et le risque du taux d'int...

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The traditional mine planning framework employs a flawed approach in the design of ultimate pit limits and phases. Conventional methods arbitrarily confine ...

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This paper presents three hyper-heuristic approaches for the stochastic open-pit mine production scheduling problem with one processing stream (SMPS) and one...

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Locally weighted regression combines the advantages of polynomial regression and kernel smoothing. We present three ideas for appropriate and effective use...

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In this paper, we study how uncertainties weighing on the climate system impact the optimal technological pathways the world energy system should take to com...

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On considère un jeu dynamique défini sur un arbre d’évènements avec temps terminal aléatoire. On suppose que les joueurs coopèrent pour maximiser leur gain ...

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Lévy processes provide a solution to overcome the shortcomings of the lognormal hypothesis. A growing literature proposes the use of pure-jump Lévy processe...

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Les problèmes d'optimisation de boîtes noires sont souvent contaminés par du bruit numérique, et les méthodes de recherche directe telles que l'algorithme de...

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The authors investigate the complexity needed in the structure of the scenario trees to maximize energy production in a rolling-horizon framework. Three comp...

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We propose a dynamic program coupled with finite elements for valuing two-dimensional American-style options. To speed-up our procedure, we use parallel comp...

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We consider within the framework of Mean Field Games theory a dynamic discrete choice model with an advertiser, where a large number of minor agents (e.g., c...

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We consider a dynamic collective choice problem where a large number of players are cooperatively choosing between multiple destinations while being influenc...

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L'une des décisions d'exercice les plus complexes dans le marché des produits dérivés concerne celle des contrats à terme portant sur des bons du Trésor, d...

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This paper presents an optimization method to solve the short-term unit commitment and loading problem with uncertain inflows. A scenario tree is built base...

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La disparition récente d'un écart de cinq ans dans les échéances du panier d'obligations du Trésor faisant l'objet du contrat à terme du Chicago Board of Tra...

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