Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 2 de 19

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Usually several neighborhood structures may be explored within a single local search algorithm. The simplest way is to define a single neighborhood as a unio...

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In the present paper, we are interested in bounding differences between graph invariants as well as in characterizing the corresponding extremal graphs. This...

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Le laplacien sans signe des distances d'un graphe connexe \(G\) est défini par \(\mathcal{D}^\mathcal{Q} = Diag(Tr) + \mathcal{D}\), où \(\mathcal{D}\)...

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La proximité \(\pi\) et l'éloignement \(\rho\) sont respectivement le minimum et le maximum, pour les sommets d'un graphe connexe, de la distance moyenne...

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Finding communities in complex networks is a topic of much current research and has applications in many domains. On the one hand, criteria for doing so hav...

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The analysis of networks and in particular the identification of communities, or clusters, is a topic of active research with application arising in many dom...

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In 1971, Graham and Pollack established a relationship between the number of negative eigenvalues of the distance matrix and the addressing problem in data c...

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La recherche à voisinages variables (RVV), ou <i>Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS)</i> en anglais est une métaheuristique dont l'invention est due à Nenad ...

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Variable neighborhood search (VNS) is a meta-heuristic for solving optimization problems, whose basic idea is a systematic change of neighborhood structure...

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The distance Laplacian of a connected graph G is defined by L = Diag(Tr) - D, where D is the distance matrix of G , and Diag(Tr) is the diagonal m...

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In the present paper, we are interested in studying mathematical properties of the Balaban index of connected graphs. We present a discussion on and refuta...

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Introduced during the late nineties of the last century, Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) was first designed for solving specific problems in combinatorial...

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We introduce a Laplacian and a signless Laplacian for the distance matrix of a connected graph, called the <i>distance Laplacian</i> and <i>distance signless...

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We derive conditions on the functions \(\varphi\), \(\rho\), \(v\) and \(w\) such that the 0-1 fractional programming problem`(\max\limits_{x\in {0...

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Application of the dispersion models in order to address the cannibalization phenomenon within franchised chains is a new approach. In this work we have deve...

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Community detection in networks has been studied extensively in the last decade. Many criteria, expressing the quality of the partitions obtained, as well ...

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Sequential clustering aims at determining homogeneous and/or well-separated clusters within a given set of entities, one at a time, until no more such clus...

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Reduced RLT constraints are a special class of Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) constraints. They apply to nonconvex (both continuous and mixed-...

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Given a set of entities, cluster analysis aims at finding subsets, also called clusters or communities or modules, entities of which are homogeneous and well...

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Finding clusters, or communities, in a graph, or network is a very important problem which arises in many domains. Several models were proposed for its solu...

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