Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 4 de 19

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Heuristics are widely applied to modularity maximization models for the identification of communities in complex networks. We present an approach to be appli...

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A branch and bound strategy is proposed for solving the clusterwise regression problem, extending Brusco's repetitive branch and bound algorithm (RBBA). The ...

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We present a new column generation algorithm for the determination of a classifier in the two classes LAD (Logical Analysis of Data) model. Unlike existing a...

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We study extremal graphs for the extremal values of the second largest <i>Q</i>-eigenvalue of a connected graph. We first characterize all simple connected g...

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Normalized cut is one of the most popular graph clustering criteria. The main approaches proposed for its resolution are spectral clustering methods (e.g. [1...

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Finding modules, or clusters, in networks currently attracts much attention in several domains. The most studied criterion for doing so, due to Newman and Gi...

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An automatic method for constructing linear relaxations of constrained global optimization problems is proposed. Such a construction is based on affine and i...

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Exact global optimization of the clusterwise regression problem is challenging and there are currently no published feasible methods for performing this clus...

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In this paper we establish the definition of the <i>set of &epsilon;-proper equilibria</i> of a bimatrix game. We define a 0-1 mixed quadratic program to ge...

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The main goal of this paper is to bring a contribution in order to facilitate automatic refinement of Bimatrix Game Nash extreme equilibria. We show how maxi...

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Relationships between the diameter of a set of <i>n</i> points in the plane at mutual distance at least one, the diameter of an equilateral <i>n</i>-gon and ...

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The modularity maximization model proposed by Newman and Girvan for the identification of communities in networks works for general graphs possibly with loop...

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A new hierarchical divisive algorithm is proposed for identifying communities in complex networks. To that effect, the definition of <i>community in the weak...

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Using the AutoGraphiX system, we obtain conjectures of the form <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?l(n) \leq q_1 \oplus i(G)\leq u(n)"> where <img src="/cgi-bin...

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Let <i>G</i> be a connected graph of order <i>n</i>. The algebraic connectivity of <i>G</i> is the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of <i>G...

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The <i>proximity</i> <img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\pi = \pi (G)"> of a connected graph <i>G</i> is the minimum, over all vertices, of the average distance ...

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We address the problem of locating in the plane objects such as segments, arcs of circumferences, arbitrary convex sets, their complements or their boundarie...

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Harmonic means clustering is a variant of Minimum sum of squares clustering (which is sometimes called <i>K</i>-means clustering), designed to alleviate the ...

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Variable neighborhood search (VNS) is a metaheuristic for solving combinatorial and global optimization problems whose basic idea is a systematic change o...

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Let <i>Q = D + A</i> denote the signless Laplacian matrix of a graph <i>G</i> of order <i>n</i>, where <i>D</i> is the diagonal matrix of the degrees and <i...

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