Pierre Hansen


Cahiers du GERAD

369 résultats — page 3 de 19

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The MaxSumSum (maximum diversity) problem consists of the selection of <i>p</i> facilities among <i>n</i> candidate locations in a way that the total sum ...

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Dispersion problems consist of the selection of a fixed number of vertices from a given set so that some function of the distances among the vertices is maxi...

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Since the late forties of the last century, methods of operations research have been extensively used to solve problems in graph theory, and graph theory has...

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The paper answers an open problem introduced by Bezdek and Fodor in 2000. The width of any unit-diameter octagon is shown to be less than or equal to `(\fra...

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Using a heuristic optimization module based upon Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), the system AutoGraphiX's main feature is to find extremal or near extre...

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We introduce a signless Laplacian for the distance matrix of a connected graph, called the <i>distance signless Laplacian</i>. We study the <i>distance signl...

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We introduce a Laplacian for the distance matrix of a connected graph, called the <i>distance Laplacian</i> and we study its spectrum. We show the equivalenc...

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Finding communities, or clusters, or modules, in networks can be done by optimizing an objective function defined globally and/or by specifying conditions wh...

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Clusterwise regression is a clustering technique where multiple lines or hyperplanes are fit to mutually exclusive subsets of a dataset such that the sum of ...

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In 1956, Nordhaus and Gaddum gave lower and upper bounds on the sum and the product of the chromatic number of a graph and its complement, in terms of the or...

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Modularity maximization is extensively used to detect communities in complex networks. It has been shown however that this method suffers from a resolution l...

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We study the problem of packing equal circles in a square from the mathematical programming point of view. We discuss different formulations, we analyse fo...

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In a recent paper, Zhan, Zhang, Guan, and Zhou [Phys. Rev. E <b>83</b>, 066120 (2011)] presented a modified adaptive genetic algorithm (MAGA) tailored to the...

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Finding communities, or clusters, in networks, or graphs, has been the subject of intense studies in the last ten years. The most used criterion for that pu...

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In chemical graph theory, many graph parameters, or topological indices, were proposed as estimators of molecular structural properties. Often several varian...

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It is well known that some local search algorithms for <i>K</i>-clustering problems could stop at a solution with fewer clusters than the desired <i>K</i>....

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Given a graph <i>G</i> and a bipartition of its vertices, the edge-ratio is the minimum for both classes so defined of their number of internal edges divid...

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The objective in the continuous facility location problem with limited distances is to minimize the sum of distance functions from the facility to the cust...

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The GRIEG model is a hybrid model of demo-economic projections that combines two approaches: the econometric approach - based on the micro-economy - of the N...

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Community detection in networks based on modularity maximization is currently done with hierarchical divisive or agglomerative as well as with partitioning h...

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